Emily Carr (December 13, 1871 – March 2, 1945) was heavily inspired by the indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest Coast. One of the first painters in Canada to adopt a modernist and post-impressionist painting style, Carr did not receive widespread recognition for her work until later in her life. As she matured, the subject matter of her painting shifted from aboriginal themes to landscapes, and in particular, forest scenes. As a writer, Carr was one of the earliest chroniclers of life in British Columbia. The Canadian Encyclopedia describes her as a "Canadian icon".
Read more from her Wikipedia biography.
BIRTH DATA: 13 December 1871, 03:00 (3 a.m.) LMT (+8:13:28), Victoria, British Columbia, Canada (48n25, 123w22). ASC: 26 Libra. RR: A (from her in an autobiography). SOURCE: Sy Scholfield (c) quotes Emily Carr, Growing Pains: The Autobiography of Emily Carr (Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 2005): "The [family] bible says that I was born on the thirteenth day of December, 1871" (p. 20); "NURSE RANDAL HAS told me of my first birthday. I was born during a mid-December snow storm; the north wind howled and bit. Contrary from the start, I kept the family in suspense all day. A row of sparrows, puffed with cold, sat on the rail of the balcony outside Mother's window, bracing themselves against the danger of being blown into the drifted snow piled against the window. Icicles hung, wind moaned, I dallied. At three in the morning I sent Father plowing on foot through knee-deep snow to fetch Nurse Randal. I never did feel that it was necessary to apologize to my father for being late. It made variety for him, seeing that he always got his way in everything ― when father commanded everybody ran" (p. 22).
Picture credit: Emily Carr, Blunden Harbour, 1930.
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