Arnold Daniel Palmer (born September 10, 1929) is generally regarded as one of the greatest players in the history of men's professional golf. He has won numerous events on both the PGA Tour and Champions Tour, dating back to 1955. Nicknamed "The King," he is one of golf's most popular stars and its most important trailblazer, because he was the first superstar of the sport's television age, which began in the 1950s. He is part of "The Big Three" in golf, along with Jack Nicklaus and Gary Player, who are widely credited with popularizing and commercialising the sport around the world.
Palmer won the PGA Tour Lifetime Achievement Award in 1998, and in 1974 was inducted into the World Golf Hall of Fame.
Read more from his Wikipedia biography.
The sporty Palmer also has a Sagittarius Moon and its ruler Jupiter opposite each other on the MC-IC axis. Plus trailblazing Mars at the head of a Kite.
BIRTH DATA: Arnold Daniel Palmer, 10 September 1929, 05:30 (5:30 a.m.) EST (+5), Latrobe, Pennsylvania, USA (40n19, 79w23). ASC: 11 Virgo. RR: A (from him quoted in a biography). SOURCE: Sy Scholfield (c) cites Larry Guest, Arnie: Inside the Legend. 1993. (Nashville, TN: Cumberland House, 1997), pp. 52-53: "For Arnie, September 10, 1979, marked a bittersweet milestone. Birthdays are just as special to Arnie as the rest of us . . . 'I was born at 5:30 on a Tuesday morning and I'm still getting started about that time every day,' he mused." NB: Janice McKay and Jessica Saunders in their Contemporary American Horoscopes (Astrolabe, 1990) quote the birth certificate for 20 September 1929, 7:30 a.m., but that was a Friday and Palmer clearly specifies he was born on (10 September 1929:) a Tuesday.
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