Charles Ephraim Burchfield (April 9, 1893 - January 10, 1967) was an American painter and visionary artist, known for his passionate watercolors of nature scenes and townscapes. The largest collection of Burchfield's paintings, archives and journals are in the collection of the Burchfield Penney Art Center in Buffalo, New York. His paintings are in the collections of many major museums in the USA and have been the subject of exhibitions at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Whitney Museum of American Art, the Hammer Museum, and the Museum of Modern Art, as well as other prominent institutions.
Read more from his Wikipedia biography.
This "American painter and visionary artist, known for his passionate watercolors of nature scenes and townscapes" had artistic Libra rising and a watery Neptune-Pluto conjunction trine Uranus in passionate Scorpio.
BIRTH DATA: Charles Ephraim Burchfield, 9 April 1893, 18:00 (6 p.m.) CST (+6), Ashtabula, Ohio, USA (41n51, 80w47). ASC: 21 Libra. RR=B (from his journal). SOURCE: Sy Scholfield (c) quotes an entry from Charles E. Burchfield's journals, April 9, 1911, as transcribed on the Burchfield Penney Art Center website, 9 April 2013: "Eighteen years ago, a calamity befell this family—a squalling calamity—eighteen years ago on a Sunday, I was born—at six o'clock in the evening."
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