Christian Bérard (20 August 1902, Paris – 11 February 1949), also known as Bébé, was a French artist, fashion illustrator and designer. Bérard and his lover Boris Kochno, who worked for the Ballets Russes and was also co-founder of the Ballet des Champs-Elysées, were one of the most prominent openly homosexual couples in French theater during the 1930s and '40s.
Bérard's most renowned achievement was probably his lustrous, magical designs for Jean Cocteau's film La Belle et la Bête (1946).
Read more from his Wikipedia biography.
Many Leo-Sun-and-Pisces-Moon people find their niche in the performing arts. Taurus-rising Bérard found his place as an artistic set designer.
BIRTH DATA: 20 August 1902, 21:30 (9:30p.m.) (-0:09:20), Paris, France (48n52, 02e20). ASC: 11 Taurus. RR=AA (from birth record). SOURCE: Sy Scholfield (c) quotes the birth record at the online Parisian archives, 21 August 1902, 7e, #814: "Christian Jacques Bérard, . . . né hier soir à neuf heures trente."