Cooper is the youngest son of Playboy creator Hugh Hefner. Following his graduation in film production studies in May 2013, Cooper will inherit Playboy enterprises and start running the company with the continued help of his father and advisors. The younger Hefner sees this as his chance to re-introduce the magazine to a modern audience.
Read more from his Twitter profile.
Photo Credit: Cooper Hefner, @cooperhefner, 23 March 2013, "Having a beer in the dining room before the masquerade party begins.."
Cooper's Venus in Leo is exactly conjunct Hugh's Neptune: they share an interest in promoting photographic imagery of young women. The younger Hefner's North Node in Capricorn is conjunct his father's South Node, indicating that he might take over the family business. Both charts are below.
BIRTH DATA: Cooper Bradford Hefner, 4 September 1991, 10:22 (10:22 a.m.) PDT (+7), Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, California, USA (34n03, 118w14). ASC: 29 Libra. RR: A (from news report). SOURCE: Sy Scholfield (c) quotes Nadine Brozan, New York Times, 6 Sep. 1991, p. B4: "COOPER BRADFORD HEFNER, weighing 8 pounds 1 ounce, was born at 10:22 A.M. on Wednesday in Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles."

Hugh Hefner chart: Lois Rodden quotes birth certificate in hand from Tom and Thelma Wilson.
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