Beautifully descriptive and extensively illustrated, this book presents the fascinating account of the life and times of Victor Bonney, considered by many to be the foremost gynaecological surgeon of the 20th century. Biographer Geoffrey Chamberlain, a widely published medical author in his own right, reviews Dr. Bonney's life and work with special attention to his remarkable achievements in gynaecological and obstetrical surgery. The book contains eight main sections ranging from 1872 to 1953 covering the immense changes in world history, including two world wars, that paralleled the changes and developments in modern gynecology and obstetrics to which Victor Bonney was such an important contributor. An invaluable resource of authoritative information about an important medical figure and a rich mine of illustrative and anecdotal material for lecturers and speakers.
BIRTH DATA: 17 December 1872, 03:00 (3 a.m.) GMT (+0), Chelsea, London, England (51n29, 00w10). ASC: 28 Libra. RR=B (from biography). SOURCE: Sy Scholfield (c) quotes Geoffrey Chamberlain, Victor Bonney: The Gynaecological Surgeon of the Twentieth Century (Parthenon, 2000), p. 2: "Victor Bonney was born at three o'clock in the morning of December 17, 1872 at the family home at 320 King's Road, Chelsea."
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