Hippolyte Bayard (20 January 1801 – 14 May 1887) was a French photographer; a pioneer in the history of photography. He invented his own process known as direct positive printing and presented the world's first public exhibition of photographs on 24 June 1839. He claimed to have invented photography earlier than Louis-Jacques Mandé Daguerre in France and William Henry Fox Talbot in England, the men traditionally credited with its invention.
Read more from his Wikipedia biography.
Photo credit: Bayard's 1840 Self Portrait as a Drowned Man.
Bayard is famous for his 1840 photograph Self Portrait as a Drowned Man (pictured above). On his Ascendant (self), he had Neptune (photograph, portrait) in Scorpio (drowned, dead man). Moreover, Bayard had Neptune in Scorpio in mutual reception with Pluto (death) in Pisces (image). Mars (the pioneer) opposes Neptune.
BIRTH DATA: André Hypolite Bayard, 20 January 1801, 03:00 (3:00 a.m.) LMT (-0:09:12), Breteuil, France (49n38, 02e18). ASC: 23 Scorpio. RR=AA (from quoted birth record). SOURCE: Sy Scholfield (c) quotes an online picture and transcript of the birth registry entry at Claude Marillier's website <http://http://collodion.claude-marillier.net/PGH/hippolyte_bayard.html>: "Transcription du texte porté au Registre de l'Etat Civil de Breteuil-sur-Noye (Oise). (L'orthographe originale a été respectée.) (En marge :) 27 André (biffé) Hypolite Bayard, 20-1-1801. Du trente Nivose an neuf de la République. Acte de naissance d'André (biffé) Hypolite Bayard, né aujourd'huy, trois heures du matin, fils du citoyen Emmanuel Bayard, juge de paix et de sa (sic) Adélaïde Elisabette Vacousin sa femme demeurant à Breteuil."
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