Ian Hector Frazer, AC (born 6 January 1953) is a Scottish-born Australian Scientist and the CEO and Director of Research of the Translational Research Institute. In parallel with researchers at the National Cancer Institute, Georgetown University, and University of Rochester, Frazer and his colleagues developed and patented the basic technology behind the HPV vaccine against cervical cancer; the second cancer preventing vaccine, and the first vaccine designed to prevent a cancer. (Two are marketed as Gardasil and Cervarix).
Read more from his Wikipedia biography.
Photo by Graeme Bartlett.
The co-developer of a cervical cancer vaccine? Pluto in 8th House square and ruling Scorpio MC.
BIRTH DATA: Ian Hector Frazer, 6 January 1953, 08:25 (8.25 a.m.) GMT (+0), Glasgow, Scotland (55n53, 04w15). ASC: 7 Capricorn. RR=AA (from birth certificate). SOURCE: Sy Scholfield (c) quotes Caroline Gerard in an email (10/02/2007) for full name and data from birth certificate.
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