Saturday 22 June 2013

Carlisle Floyd (American opera composer)

* Carlisle Floyd's Susannah (1955) ― one of the most performed American operas (second to Porgy and Bess) ― contains many feminist themes. Floyd has an operatic conjunction of Mars-Uranus in Pisces squaring the feminist-oriented Moon in vocal Gemini which rules his Equal 5th House of drama.


Carlisle Floyd (born June 11, 1926, in Latta, South Carolina) is an American opera composer. His operas include Wuthering Heights (1958), The Passion of Jonathan Wade (1962), The Sojourner and Mollie Sinclair (1963), Markheim (1966), Of Mice and Men (1970), Flower and Hawk (1972), Bilby's Doll (1976), Willie Stark (1981) and Cold Sassy Tree (2000). The Houston Grand Opera has announced that a new opera by Floyd will be premiered in the coming seasons, Kynaston, after the 17th-century actor, Edward Kynaston.

Read more from his Wikipedia biography.


BIRTH DATA: Carlisle Sessions Floyd, Jr., 11 June 1926, 00:05 (12:05 a.m.) EST (+5), Latta, South Carolina, USA (34n20, 79w25). ASC: 8 Pisces. RR: AA (from family records quoted in an authorized biography). SOURCE: Sy Scholfield (c) quotes Thomas Holliday, Falling Up: The Days and Nights of Carlisle Floyd: The Authorized Biography (Syracuse University Press, 2013), p. 1: "The clock's hands pass midnight, and the calendar turns to June 11, 1926. . . . South Carolina's late Spring . . . on Latta's Marion Street . . . The esteemed Dr. Henry Arthur Edwards [in attendance] . . . At 12:05 a.m., [his father] Jack becomes Carlisle Sessions Floyd Senior, the child named like his daddy. . . . The South in general, and [his mother] Ida Fenegan Floyd in particular, kept 'baby books' that recorded details of a child's emergence and early expressions. . . just six and a quarter pounds at birth."

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