Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Inge Müller, 1925–1966 (East German author)

* As a writer, Inge Müller, remained above all a poet. Although she created nearly 300 lyrical works, only a few have been published, mostly in the anthology In diesem besseren Land.

Müller also published children's books, Wölfchen Ungestüm (1955) and Zehn Jungen und ein Fischerdorf (1958); the radio drama Die Weiberbrigade; and the collaboration with Wiktor Rosows Auf dem Wege. With her third husband, Heiner Müller, she created the dramas Der Lohndrücker (1956), Die Umsiedlerin (1956), Die Korrektur (1957), Klettwitzer Bericht (1958) and Unterwegs (1963).

Inge Müller stood in the shadow of Heiner, who considered her more a coworker than an equal partner. She began an affair with his 16 year–old brother Wolfgang Müller in 1956 which failed and relations with her husband worsened noticeably. The awarding of the Heinrich Mann Prize to the both of them in 1959 did nothing to improve the situation. Plagued by depressions and psychosomatic troubles she attempted suicide several times. She was finally successful after an attempt on 1 June 1966. Only 41 years old, the writer died in her apartment on Kissingenplatz 12 of medication overdose and poisonous gas.


BIRTH DATA: Ingeborg Meyer, 13 March 1925, 05:15 (5:15 AM) CET (-1), Berlin, Germany (52n30, 13e22). ASC: 10 Aquarius. RR: AA (quoted birth record). SOURCE: Sy Scholfield quotes from Ÿbbotaprag. heute. geschenke. schupo. schimpfen. hetze. sprüche. demonstrativ. sex. DDRbürg. gthierkatt: ausgewählte essays, fliess- & endnotentexte 1989-98 by Annett Gröschner (Kontext, 1998), p. 126: "Geboren worden war sie am 13. März 1925, 5.15 Uhr, so steht es im Geburtenbuch des Standesamtes." Inge Müller hat später die Umstände ihrer Geburt beschrieben. Veröffentlicht wurde die Geschichte nie. Sie war Teil des Jona-Romans, einem ehrgeizigen Projekt, das sie nicht fertiggestellt hat. Das Bedürfnis zu sterben war stärker, als der Wille, einen Roman zu beenden..." Translation: She was born on 13 March 1925 at 5:15 AM, so it is stated in the birth register of the registry office. "Inge Müller has described later, the circumstances of her birth, in an unpublished story which was part of a novel, an ambitious project, uncompleted because the will to die was stronger than the will to finish a novel...

Copyright Sy Scholfield. All rights reserved in all media.

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