Müller died in Berlin of throat cancer on 30 December 1995, aged 66, acknowledged as one of the greatest German authors.
BIRTH DATA: Reimund Heiner Müller, 9 January 1929, circa 21:30 (9:30 PM) CET (-1), Eppendorf, Saxony, Germany (50n48, 13e14). ASC: 10-20 Virgo. RR: B (from auto/biography). SOURCE: Sy Scholfield quotes from his autobiography, "Werke: Eine Autobiographie" by Heiner Müller (Suhrkamp, 2005), p. 9: "Ich war eine schwere Geburt. Sie hat lange gedauert, von früh bis neun Uhr abends. 9. Januar 1929." Translation: I had a difficult birth. It took a long time, from morning till nine at night on 9 January 1929.
However, perhaps he was taking poetic licence (all those nines) because 10pm is given in several biographies including "Heiner Müller" by Jan-Christoph Hauschild (Rowohlt, 2000), p. 15: "Am 9. Januar 1929 abends gegen zehn Uhr wird ihr erstes Kind geboren, Reimund Heiner Müller." Translation: Their first child, Reimund Heiner Müller, was born on 9 January 1929 at ten o'clock in the evening.
Therefore 9:30pm is used.
Copyright Sy Scholfield. All rights reserved in all media.
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