Her Venus is closely conjunct the painter's Neptune and Ascendant: She epitomised his preference for full-bodied women (See their charts below).
Later in life, Jolivet ran a delicatessen shop in Montmartre. Nursing and retail occupations are typical for a person with a Virgo Ascendant.
Renée Jolivet was a maid and nurse in the household of the painter, Auguste Renoir. She was the daughter of a day labourer and his wife who delivered Auguste's son, Claude. Jolivet posed for Auguste in the period 1901-1904. Jolivet was considered by Auguste's son Jean Renoir to be the most memorable of the nursemaids and models after Gabrielle Renard. In 1904 Jolivet left the Renoir household. She was married twice and had a daughter. For a time Jolivet ran a small grocery shop in Montmartre. She died on 25 October 1973.
Picture Credit: Auguste Renoir, Claude and Renée, c. 1902-1903, oil on canvas, 78.7 x 63.5 cm, National Gallery of Canada (no. 4989).
BIRTH DATA: Marie Renée Suzanne Jolivet, 19 December 1885, 22:00 (10 p.m.) LMT (-0:18:12), Châtillon sur Seine, France (47n51, 4e33). ASC: 6 Virgo. RR: AA (from birth record). SOURCE: Sy Scholfield (©) quotes a a photocopy of the birth certificate no. 283 from the Côte-d'Or archive, published on Christal de Saint Marc's "Châtillonnais en Bourgogne" blog, 15 February 2010 http://www.christaldesaintmarc.com/renee-jolivet-modele-de-renoir-c212543.
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Pierre-Auguste Renoir: 25 February 1841, 06:00 (6 a.m.) LMT (-0:05:04), Limoges, France (45n50, 1e16). RR: AA. Sources: Sy Scholfield (c) quotes a transcription of the birth certificate in Pascal Bonafoux's book, Renoir: 1841-1919 (Perrin, 2009), p. 14. Same data from Michel and Francoise Gauquelin.
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