Hugh Clapperton (18 May 1788 – 13 April 1827) was the first European to make known from personal observation the Hausa states, which he visited soon after the establishment of the Sokoto Caliphate by the Fula. In 1829 the Journal of a Second Expedition into the Interior of Africa, &c., by Clapperton appeared posthumously, with a biographical sketch of the explorer by his uncle, Lieutenant-Colonel S. Clapperton, as a preface
Read more from his Wikipedia biography.
Photo from Eduard Schauenburg. Reisen in Central Afrika von Mungo Park bis auf Dr. Earth und Dr. Vogel. 2 vols. (Schauenburg: 1859-1865).
In his AstroCartoGraphy map, Clapperton has a Neptune line through the Chad-Nigeria area of Africa. Neptune rules his Pisces Ascendant.
BIRTH DATA: Hugh Clapperton, 18 May 1788, 02:30 (2:30 a.m.) LMT (+0:13:04), Annan, Scotland (54n59, 03w16). ASC: 27 Pisces. RR: B (from biography). SOURCE: Sy Scholfield (c) quotes Jamie Bruce-Lockhart, A Sailor in the Sahara: The Life and Travels in Africa of Hugh Clapperton (London: I.B. Tauris, 2008), p. 2: "He was born on 13 May 1788 at half past two in the morning in the Clapperton home at 22 Butts Street, a small, low-ceilinged building with a crowded parlour, a kitchen and a couple of back rooms, located on a lane on the north side of Annan's main thoroughfare."
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