Jean Frédéric Bazille (December 6, 1841 – November 28, 1870) was a French Impressionist painter. Many of Bazille's major works are examples of figure painting in which Bazille placed the subject figure within a landscape painted en plein air.
Bazille was just twenty-three years old when he painted several of his best known works, including The Pink Dress (ca. 1864, Musée d'Orsay, Paris). This painting combines a portrait-like depiction of Bazille's cousin, Thérèse des Hours, who is seen from behind — and the sunlit landscape at which she gazes. His best known painting is Family Reunion of 1867–1868 (Musée d'Orsay, Paris).
Read more from his Wikipedia biography.
Uranus and Neptune are in mutual reception, both aspected by the expressive Sun in the creative 5th House.
BIRTH DATA: Jean-Frédéric Bazille, 6 December 1841, 21:00 (9 p.m.) LMT (-0:15:32), Montpellier, France (43n36, 03e53). ASC: 14 Leo. RR: AA (from birth certificate). SOURCE: Sy Scholfield (c) quotes the birth certificate in the online Herault archive, #1244. Same data in Michel Schulman, Frédéric Bazille, 1841-1870: catalogue raisonné, peintures, dessins, pastels, aquarelles (Editions de l'amateur, 1995), p. 5: "Arrêtons-nous au n° 11 devant l'hôtel Périer, l'une des plus belles demeures anciennes de la ville: c'est ici que, le 6 décembre 1841, à 9 heures du soir, est né Jean-Frédéric Bazille. Il est le fils de Gaston Bazille, âgé de 22 ans, et de Camille, née Vialars, qui en a vingt. D'origine aisée, tous deux appartiennent à la haute bourgeoisie protestante de Montpellier."
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