Van Johnson (August 25, 1916 – December 12, 2008) was an American film and television actor and dancer who was a major star at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer studios during and after World War II.
Johnson was the embodiment of the "boy-next-door wholesomeness (that) made him a popular Hollywood star in the '40s and '50s," playing "the red-haired, freckle-faced soldier, sailor or bomber pilot who used to live down the street" in MGM movies during the war years with such films as Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo, A Guy Named Joe and The Caine Mutiny. Johnson made occasional World War II movies through the end of the 1960s, and he played a military officer in one of his final feature films, in 1992. At the time of his death in December 2008, he was one of the last surviving matinee idols of Hollywood's "golden age."
Read more from his Wikipedia biography.
The birth time I've proposed below gives Virgo Sun ("boy-next-door wholesome star") conjunct and ruling a 29 Leo Ascendant ("red-haired Golden Boy").
BIRTH DATA: Charles Van Dell Johnson, 25 August 1916, about 04:58 (4:58 a.m.) EST (+5), Newport, Rhode Island, USA (41n29, 71w18). NB: Taking "dawn" to mean sunrise, this proposed birth time is ten minutes before 5:08 a.m. when the Sun reached the Ascendant. ASC: about 29 Leo. RR=B (from biography). SOURCE: Sy Scholfield (c) quotes Ronald L. Davis, Van Johnson: MGM's Golden Boy (University Press of Mississippi, 2001), p. 8: "their only child, christened Charles Van Dell Johnson, was born at Newport Hospital on August 25, 1916. His birth took place shortly before dawn on a howling, rainy night."
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