Alexandre-Prosper-Hubert Le Grand (6 June 1830 – 25 June 1898) was a wine merchant and industrialist of the 19th century who in 1863 invented the liqueur known as Bénédictine from a mixture of native herbs and exotic spices.
Born the son of a sea captain in Fécamp, Le Grand discovered, in 1863, an old grimoire in the library of the abbey of Fécamp containing medicinal and herbal recipes collected by the monks of the abbey. With the aid of a pharmacist, he developed the recipe for the liqueur that would make him famous.
Inheriting a habit of eclecticism from his father, Alexandre Le Grand raised the Palais Bénédictine, a building whose architectural style was a mélange of Gothic, Renaissance, and art nouveau, and which in 1888 he made into the headquarters of the Bénédictine company. This building still exists and contains, in addition to the distillery, a museum dedicated to the liqueur.
In recognition of his achievements, Le Grand was made an Officer of the Legion of Honor, captain of firefighters, a city councilor of Fécamp, a member of the general council of Seine-Maritime, and a Knight Commander of the Order of St. Gregory the Great.
Read more from his Wikipedia biography.
Neptune in Capricorn and Mars in Pisces seem a good mix for a wine merchant.
BIRTH DATA: 6 June 1830, 18:00 (6:00 p.m.) LMT (-0:01:28), Fécamp, France (49n45, 00e22). ASC: 23 Scorpio. RR=AA (from birth record). SOURCE: Sy Scholfield (c) quotes the birth certificate (see image below: #323 in the Fécamp registry book at the Seine-Maritime archives), confirming the transcription on Wikipedia: "Extrait de son acte de naissance : « Du septième jour de juin, mil huit cent trente, à [dix?] heures du matin. Acte de naissance d'un enfant qui a été reconnu être de sexe masculin, né hier à six heures du soir, fils de Vincent Alexandre Le Grand, capitaine de navire au long cours, âgé de trente quatre ans, et de Eugénie Choiséte (?) Couïllard, son épouse, âgée de vingt quatre ans . . ."