She won the US amateur surfing title in 1987 and turned professional the following year. From 1994 to 1997 she won successive women's world titles before injury forced her to stop competing. She returned to the sport in 2000. She has two children, Erica and Mason.
Read more from Andersen's Wikipedia biography.
Befitting a world champion surfer, Andersen has her luminaries in water signs: Sun in oceanic Pisces ruling her sporty Leo Ascendant and Moon in stick-to-your-guns Scorpio. Saturn in Aries is very close to her MC: the title of her auto/biography is "Fearlessness."
BIRTH DATA: 8 March 1969, 14:20 (2:20 PM), EST (+5), Amityville, New York, USA (40n41, 73w25). ASC: 7 Leo. RR=B (from biography). SOURCE: Sy Scholfield (c) quotes Fearlessness: The Story of Lisa Andersen by Nick Carroll and Lisa Andersen (San Francisco: Chronicle, 2007), p. 20: "Lisa Lorraine Andersen was born at 2:20 p.m. on March 8, 1969, in Brunswick General Hospital, Amityville, New York, weighing eight pounds six ounces, to John Andersen and Lorraine Andersen (nee Scott)."