Sunday 9 November 2014

Cate Blanchett (Australian actor)

* Cate Blanchett has stated that she has Taurus Sun, Taurus Moon and Taurus rising but it's not possible for her to have both the Moon and Ascendant in this sign on the date she was born. Her birth notice appeared in the local newspaper the day after her birth, which usually indicates a birth early in the day. The Moon did not move into Taurus until about 5:30pm the day she was born and it is unlikely that news of her birth was communicated to the newspaper that late in the day. A speculative time of 6:40 a.m. gives mid Taurus (15 degrees) on the Ascendant which seems the best approximation considering the info given.

BIRTH DATA: Catherine Élise Blanchett, 14 May 1969, 06:40 (6:40 AM) AEST (-10), Melbourne, Australia (37s49, 144e58). ASC: 15 Taurus??. RR: C. SOURCE: Sy Scholfield quotes her birth notice and two statements from her to speculate an approximate time of birth. The birth notice gives the date and place: "BLANCHETT (Gamble)--To June and Bob--a daughter (Catherine Elise), at Jessie McPherson, on May 14th. Both well" (The Age [Melbourne], 15 May 1969, p. 17). Blanchett has stated, "I like the heroines. I'm a bull. I'm a Taurus. I think I've got something tragic like Taurus moon, Taurus sun, Taurus rising. I'm a complete bull" ("I won't do any nude scenes" by Clare Goldwin, Mirror, 26 Nov. 2003, p. 46.). She has also reportedly stated, "Apparently, I’m Taurus moon, Taurus sun and Taurus Rising. That’s pretty Taurus, eh? Which explains a lot, doesn’t it?" (20/2/2014: It is not possible for her to have Taurus rising and Taurus Moon. The birth announcement appeared the day after her birth which usually indicates a time of birth early in the day. The moon did not move into Taurus until about 5:30pm and it is unlikely that the news of her birth would have been phoned through to the newspaper that late in the day. A speculative time of 6:40 a.m. puts mid Taurus (15 degrees) on the Ascendant which seems the best approximation considering the info given. Scholfield emailed a family member on 7 April 2001 requesting her time of birth but did not receive a reply.

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