Gregg Allman is an American rock and blues singer-songwriter, keyboardist, guitarist and a founding member of The Allman Brothers Band. He was inducted with the band into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1995 and received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Georgia Music Hall of Fame in 2006.
Read more from his Wikipedia biography.
In My Cross to Bear, Allman reveals that he probably acquired Hepatitis C when tattooed with "a centaur, for Sagittarius [his sun sign]" when he was aged 20 or 21. His natal Chiron (the centaur asteroid) at 18° Scorpio is squared by Pluto and Saturn in Leo, and exactly square their midpoint. Natal Chiron had moved by solar arc to conjoin natal Jupiter at 9° Sagittarius, his final dispositor (also very centaur-ian) at age 20-21. He had a liver transplant on 23 June 2010 with transiting Jupiter at 2° Aries on the cusp of his natal 6th House of health: the transplant operation proved successful and Allman recovered well and resumed touring. Allman, along with Natalie Cole has become a spokesperson for Tune In to Hep C which includes a PSA TV commercial.
BIRTH DATA: 8 December 1947, 03:23 (3:23 AM) CST (+6), Nashville, Tennessee, USA (36n09, 86w47). ASC: 3 Scorpio. RR=B (from autobiography). SOURCE: Sy Scholfield (c) quotes Gregg Allman and Alan Light's My Cross to Bear (New York, HarperCollins, 2012), p. 9: "I was born on December 8, 1947, at 3:23 in the morning, at the old St. Thomas Hospital in Nashville." NB: Previously, Janice McKay's Contemporary American Horoscopes stated "1947, Dec. 8, at 3:39 p.m. CST in Nashville, TN," and Lois Rodden's AstroDatabank quoted Kelly Quinn for data from Allman of 3:03 AM from birth certificate in February 1977.