Atwater's Scorpio Moon is closely conjunct Reagan's Jupiter and Atwater's Pluto is exactly conjunct Bush's Neptune. Atwater directed ruthless election campaigns for Reagan and Bush, including a dirty tricks operation against Democratic vice-presidential nominee Geraldine Ferraro during the Reagan re-election campaign in 1984, and a focus on the issue of the death penalty for first-degree murderers during Bush's 1988 election campaign. These Scorpionic/Plutonic tactics contributed to successful outcomes: Reagan was re-elected (for his second and last term) and Bush succeeded to the presidential office for his first (and only) term.
BIRTH DATA: Harvey LeRoy Atwater, 27 February 1951, 01:05 (1:05 AM) EST (+5), Atlanta, Georgia, USA (33n44, 84w23). ASC: 00 Sagittarius. RR: B (from biography). SOURCE: Sy Scholfield quotes from "Bad Boy: The Life and Politics of Lee Atwater" by John Joseph Brady (Adisson-Wesley, 1997), p. 4: "on Tuesday, February 27, 1951, neighbors had to take Toddy to Emory Hospital. ... Lee ... weighed in at seven pounds, three ounces, at 1:05 in the morning."
Copyright Sy Scholfield. All rights reserved in all media.
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