Helen Knothe Nearing (February 23, 1904 – September 17, 1995) was an American author and the second wife of Scott Nearing. Helen Knothe and Scott Nearing started their relationship together in 1928. They married nearly twenty years later on December 12, 1947.
The Nearings lived a simple life in rural Vermont where they grew much of their own food and erected nine stone buildings over the course of two decades. Cash was earned from producing maple syrup and sugar from the trees on their land and from Scott Nearing's occasional paid lectures.
Read more from her Wikipedia biography.
Their individual and composite charts are below. The Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Taurus in the 5th House of their composite chart bespeaks the enjoyment of the "good life" they shared.
BIRTH DATA: Helen Knothe, 23 February 1904, 07:08 (7:08 a.m.) EST (+5), New York, New York, USA (40n42, 74w00). ASC: 12 Pisces. RR=B (from biography).
BIRTH DATA: Scott Nearing, 6 August 1883, 11:00 (11:00 a.m.) LMT (+5:08:04), Morris Run, Pennyslvania, USA (41n40). ASC: 23 Libra. RR=B (from biography).
SOURCE: Sy Scholfield (c) quotes Helen Nearing's book, Loving and Leaving the Good Life (White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green Publishing, 1992), pp. 67-68: "... here are summaries of the horoscopes of our two personalities: "Helen Knothe was born at 7:08 A.M., February 23, 1904, in the sign of Pisces, with the sun rising 3° in the 12th house . . . Scott Nearing was born at 11:00 A.M., August 6, 1883, in Morris Run, Tioga County, Pennyslvania, in the sign of Leo. . . The sign of Libra was rising. . ."
Scott Nearing's chart
Their composite chart